An Upside-down That's Right Side Up — Pizza Cowboy — Best Pizza NYC

Based in the East Village in New York City, Pizza Cowboy is a blog by Arthur Bovino. These posts explore adventures in pizza… particularly in, but not limited to, New York City.

An Upside-down That's Right Side Up

An Upside-down That's Right Side Up


Sofia Pizza Shoppe is about 50 blocks north of where I live in the East Village, but it's a pretty quick, straight shot north by bike... though uphill, seemingly both ways.

Over the past few years it's become one of the slice shops I frequent with some regularity, which given that I'm always trying to check places off that I haven't visited, is a rarity.

If I'm not lucky enough to score a DoughDici, my move at Sofia is almost always either the spinach dip, pepperoni, or seasonal granny (though as I just noted, I'm pretty smitten by the vodka pepperoni slice I just had there).

That's been my heavy rotation since they opened and I've never tried their upside-down slice, which for anyone uninitiated, is a Sicilian slice with sauce on top of the cheese.

I'll save my musings on the proliferation of this style and what it means about the homogenization of pizzerias for another time, and note that I enjoyed the airiness of this crust and the sauce-forward experience.

If you're going to do this slice, you really need to make a nice sauce and Sofia does. Gonna be hard for it to crack that spinach-vodka-roni-seasonal rotation though.

Colony's Salad Bar Pie Is Practically A SALAD BAR Pizza

Colony's Salad Bar Pie Is Practically A SALAD BAR Pizza

A Vodka Slice Worth Going to Midtown For

A Vodka Slice Worth Going to Midtown For